Friday, January 4, 2013

Comparative Analysis

Moonshiners: Seasons One and Two. Dir. Valerie Smaltini. Discovery Channel. 2011 - Present. Television.

Lawless is a film that is set back in the 1920's during the Prohibition Ear. Speeding up time and coming into the twenty-first century Moonshiners has brought us a craft the has been around for over two centuries. These men have families to support. A man on the show is trying to save $200,000 so that he can make his business legal. Tempation takes over and he realizes that he has to make illegal moonshine in order to make legal moonshine. You never stay in one place for more than a couple of days because there is always someone watching you. We find that in the movie Lawless the youngest brother takes a girl down to where they have their massive moonshine business and deputy Rakes follows them. The entire business gets destroyed. Months of labor to have it all pulled out from under you. Luckly in both the movie Lawless and the Discovery Channel show Moonshiners they both learn from their mistakes.

Prohibition Era

lawless moonshine

Patches, Matt. "' Lawless,’ Moonshining, and America’s Modern Prohibition." 29 August 2012. Web. 4 January 2013.

The ratification of the 18th Amendment in the 1920's started what we know today as the Prohibition Era. We now know that men found their way around this era but getting caught up in moonshining. It was a thrill ride and dangerous. If you happened to get caught up with the wrong people you may find yourself at the other end of a tommy gun. Throughout his article Matt explains how moonshining isn't nearly as serious as it was back in the 1920's. Although there are still many dry countys that will drive to the boarder countys just to get their fix.


Rea, Steven. "Moonshiners, shovin' and lovin'." The Inquirer. 29 August 2012. Web. 4 January 2013.

An article Written by Steven Rea in August of 2012 says "This is a story of entrepreneurship, of family, of fighting for one's rights - the right to make white lightning, and money. It's as American as apple pie." The three brothers who have survived the Spanish Influenza Epidemic are soon seen as invincible. As the plot thickens special deputy Charlie Rakes comes to town with intentions to take over the Bondburant's moonshine business. Once realizing he cannont succeed, he resorts to violence try to kill the eldest Bonburant brother Forrest but cutting his throat. Forrest fights death off and lives to see another day. The three brothers are now ready to get a big taste of revenge.


Thursday, January 3, 2013


"Biography for John Hillcoat." Internet Movie database. Wed. 3 January 2013.

John Hillcoat has directed over 10 movies and short films. Born in 1961, in Queensland, Australia. Although he was bown in Australia he was raised in  Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. At a very young age he was a painter. Many of his paintings were featured in the Art Gallary of Hamilton. Once Hillcoat got older he attended  the Melbourne's Swinburne Film School, where he majored in fine arts. Now 52 years old he is happily married.

Primary Source

Lawless. Dir. John Hillcoat. Perf. Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Guy Pearce. Red Wagon Entertainment. 2012. Film.

Lawless is a spectactular film that will constantly have you on the edge of your seat. The three Bondurant brothers are running a bootlegging mill to sell to outsiders during The Great Depression. Set in Franklin County, Virginia, the bootlegger brothers find a way around getting caught by the law by sharing profits and moonshine with the deputies in town. As the family business of bootlegging becomes booming a big time man named Rakes from Chicago has come to take them down. Jack ,the youngest of the three brothers, wants to take charge of the moonshining business when his eldest brother Forrest is nearly killed by local gangsters. Realizing that he isn't strong enough to take over all the business he sells to a local gangster by the name of  Floyd Banner. After the biggest sell of their entire lives the three brothers and many friends come to the bridge to help them take down Rakes and his men. Therefore giving them back all the power in Franklin County.